Websites which advertise health and medical related products are subject to strict review to ensure that they adhere to our partner ad networks advertising requirements and that we do not infringe upon the confidentiality of any user by targeting them with a sensitive health product.
Clinical Trials
Clinical trial recruitment
Ads, landing pages, or websites promoting partaking in clinical trials
Misleading content related to clinical trials
Unverifiable claims related to clinical trials
Cosmetic or Plastic Surgery
Wholesome and generic cosmetic surgery website
Invasive cosmetic surgery procedures
Ads should not highlight a specific procedure
Ads should not focus on a specific body part
Before and after imagery in ads
Nude images on ads, landing pages, or websites
Further Provisions: Cosmetic or Plastic Surgery
- Geo-Targeting: The advertisement of cosmetic surgery is not eligible in Canada. Please ensure that geo-targets are set up properly, when creating a campaign.
Hair Transplant Surgery
Wholesome and generic hair transplant surgery website
Invasive hair transplant surgery procedures
Ads should not highlight a specific procedure
Ads should not call out that a customer is in need of a hair transplant
Ads should not focus on a specific body part, e.g., zoomed in image of the scalp
Before & after imagery in ads
Nude images on ads, landing pages, or websites
Further Provisions: Hair Transplant Surgery
- Limited Inventory: Given the sensitive nature of these types of campaigns, they are not eligible to run with all of our exchange partners, hence performance may be affected.
Health Supplements
Supplements are diet additives that synthesize natural ingredients in order to fulfill a desired result. Due to questionable legality and verification of claims, NextRoll cannot promote certain types of health supplements. Non-supplementary weight loss and bodybuilding products and services (e.g., nutrition systems or exercise programs) will be closely reviewed for verifiable claims and must have a proven record of user safety, before they are approved. Further details are outlined below.
Basic vitamins
Health supplements which are deemed safe and no unverifiable claims are made
Non-prescription supplements which are deemed safe and no unverifiable claims are made in relation to the product
Supplements which are designed for physical enhancement and make unverifiable claims with regard to such enhancements, e.g., weight loss, bodybuilding, or rejuvenation
Supplements which claim to be as effective as (or a suitable replacement for) medicines
Supplements which claim to cure a specific disease
Ephedra, Human Growth Hormone (HGH), DHEA, anabolic steroids, testosterone boosters in ads or landing pages are not eligible
Claim benefits that cannot be easily verified
Website dedicated to ephedra products
Website dedicated to human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) products in relation to weight loss
Website dedicated to sexual supplements for sexual arousal, increasing libido, or enhancing performance
Health supplements which require a prescription
Health supplements or products that have received a regulatory warning
Health supplement or product that is positioned as a prescription medication
Health supplement or product with ingredients that are deemed unsafe or dangerous
Ads containing before and after imagery
Ads which focus unnecessarily on a body part
Ads, landing pages, or websites which use language that calls our perceived imperfections through language, e.g., “Are you fat?” or “Are you losing your hair?”
Medical Conditions
✓ Generic medical conditions, e.g., cholesterol management, joint pain, allergies, or the flu
Sensitive physical or mental health conditions, including diseases, chronic conditions and sexual health
Sensitive health related services or procedures
Health issues in association with intimate body parts or functions, including genital, bowel or urinary functions
Medical procedures that would be deemed invasive in nature and aimed towards a sensitive medical condition
Medical Devices and Tests
Websites with an abundance of medical supplies or specialized medical devices catered toward businesses (B2B) are eligible
Websites with an abundance of medical supplies or specialized medical devices catered toward the user or patient are not eligible to run
Websites promoting sensitive medical devices
Targeting patients with a specific condition ,e.g., CPAP equipment for sleep apnea
HIV home tests
STD related home tests
STD testing
Medical Facilities and Services
Generic doctors & institutions not specialized in a specific disorder
Doctors specialized in a specific type of treatment or in a specific disorder that would be deemed of a sensitive nature, e.g., oncology or multiple sclerosis
Institutions specialized in a specific type of treatment or in a specific disorder that would be deemed of a sensitive nature, e.g., sexually transmitted disease clinic or a drug rehabilitation facility
Abortion Clinics
Fertility Products or services
Infertility products or services
IVF treatments
Birth Control products
Online Pharmacies & Prescription Medication
Online pharmacies and prescription medications cannot be promoted via NextRoll in line with the advertising guidelines of our partner ad networks and legal regulations, even if they comply with local regulations. This is because laws differ from country to country and because of the potentially sensitive information implied by a customer's purchase. Examples of content that we cannot run include:
Prescription medications
Prescription medication aggregators or affiliates in which there is a link to the sale of prescription medications
Coupon aggregators (that relate to prescriptions)
Online pharmacies
Pharmaceutical manufacturers
Pharmaceuticals for pets
Birth control prescription