Schedule Ad Flights

A flight is a term for your campaign’s schedule. When you schedule an ad flight, you’re specifying when you want your ads to run. You set your first ad flight up when you launch your campaign.

For most, one AdGroup and schedule is all they need, and in this case the schedule you set on the campaign level is all you need.

It may make sense to consider an ad flight if both of these are true: 

  • You have more than one AdGroup in your campaign
  • You have a set of ads you want to serve over a specific date range

Set Up an Ad Flight

  1. In Ad Campaigns, click on the campaign’s name and then the AdGroup’s name. This brings you to the AdGroup level in your campaign.

  2. In the right sidebar, click Edit AdGroup.

  3. Click Set Custom Schedule.


  4. Set your ad flight dates:

    Similar to your campaign schedule, dates will default to “Immediately” and “No end date.” If you have a future start date or a definite end date in mind, click on the corresponding field to select your date range.

  5. (Optional) Customize start and end times.

  6. Make sure you save your changes by clicking Done and then Update Campaign.

Schedule Multiple Ad Flights

You can add additional flights in the Edit Campaign or Edit AdGroup page.

  1. Go to either Edit Campaign or Edit AdGroup.

  2. Hover your mouse over the scheduled flight. When the pencil icon appears, click to edit.

  3. Click the + button to add an additional flight.

  4. Specify your start and end dates (like when you set up your first flight).

    Make sure you save through to Update Campaign.

Edit an Ad Flight

Inactive flights

If your scheduled flight has not yet started, you can edit it in the Edit Campaign or Edit AdGroup page.

  1. Go to either Edit Campaign or Edit AdGroup.

  2. Hover your mouse over the scheduled flight. When the pencil icon appears, click to edit.

  3. Click on the start date, end date, or time to edit.

  4. Make sure you save through to Update Campaign.

Active flights

If your scheduled flight has already started, you can only make changes to your end date. Follow the same steps above to edit your flight. 

Delete or Complete an Ad Flight

Inactive flights

Inactive flights can be deleted in the Edit Campaign or Edit AdGroup page.

  1. Go to either Edit Campaign or Edit AdGroup.

  2. Hover your mouse over the scheduled flight. When the pencil icon appears, click to edit.

  3. Click the X button to delete.

  4. Make sure you save through to Update Campaign.

Active flights

If your ad flight has already started, following the directions above completes your flight. For your reference, we will document the total run time of your ad flight as a completed ad flight.

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