Audience Best Practices for Ad Campaigns

Define your audience so you can display tailored ads to your visitors.

Audience strategies tend to vary between business-to-consumer (B2C) companies and can represent different stages of the purchase funnel. For an effective advertising campaign, it is important to differentiate your website users based on their intent and engagement. Use these best practices to display tailored ads to your visitors and grow revenue.

Recommended Website Audience Segments

We create three recommended audience segments for you by default when you create an AdRoll account - All Visitors, Visitors to Unsegmented Pages, High Intent

If your AdRoll account is connected with any of our supported Ecommerce Integrations, the major recommended audience segments as explained below will be created by default.

The following audience types represent different levels of the purchase funnel. Define these segments before you launch your campaign to target based on how visitors interact with your site.

Product-Based Audience

Visitors who have gone to a specific product page belong in a product audience. Targeting a product-based audience lets you engage middle-of-the-funnel users who have shown some interest in products. This audience allows you to use unique ads, tailored to the product viewed.

Cart-Based Audience

People who have visited your cart page are the high-intent audiences. This audience is essential to a B2C Retargeting campaign.

Conversion Audience

Visitors who have made a purchase and reached a Thank You page belong in a conversion audience. This lets you target them for loyalty programs or exclude them from campaigns designed to convert first-time purchasers.

Useful Tips

  • We recommend an Audience Duration of 30 days for the above audiences, but note that your duration should match your sales cycle.
  • It is advisable to Exclude the Conversion Audience in Retargeting Campaigns to stop showing ads to converted users and use the budget effectively. 
  • Creating different Ad Groups for targeting Low-Intent segments like ‘All Visitors’, ‘Product-Based’ and High-Intent segments like ‘Cart Page’, ‘Checkout Page’ will help you better analyze the performance of the campaign. 
  • Consider combining a CRM audience with other audience types to boost performance. Remember, the larger the audience your campaign has, the better. 
  • A Composite Audience is useful when you wish to have a single segment tracking multiple traits.
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