Benchmark Report

Discover how your campaign metrics stack up.

In this report, we compare your Click-Through Rate (CTR), Cost per Click (CPC), and Cost per thousand Impression (CPM) against the average ranges of other advertisers within your industry peer group. This data can help give you a deeper sense of performance past just the raw numbers.

The available benchmark reports include:

  • Retargeting benchmarks (can be split out by industry)
  • Contextual benchmarks
  • Lookalike benchmarks
  • Demo & Interest benchmarks
  • Automated Email benchmarks
  • Newsletter benchmarks
Note: The report will only populate if you are running a campaign that corresponds with any available benchmark report.

To view this report:

  1. Go to Campaign Reports under Measure from the left navigation menu.
  2. Click Benchmark.
  3. By default, the industry will be pre-populated based on the industry we have identified you in, but you have the ability to change this in the drop-down.
  4. Click Export. The benchmark report will be sent to the default email on your account.


  5. Open the email then click Download.


  6. Open the downloaded benchmark report to view.

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