Attribution Funnel

This Attribution Funnel gives you insight into where your customers are in their purchase funnel. It gives you a parallel view of your overall site volumes, comparing your website user funnel to the AdRoll influenced funnel.


With this information, you can:

  • Compare AdRoll influenced against your website totals. This will help determine if AdRoll is performing better than your average.

    • In the screenshot above, you can see that 3% of site visitors that viewed a product, add a product to their carts. But, 25% of site visitors that have seen an AdRoll ad and viewed a product, add a product to their cart. This means that AdRoll influenced visitors that viewed a product, add products to their cart 8.33X more often than all site visitors.
    • Also in the screenshot above, you can see that 45% of site visitors that added at least one product to their cart converted compared to 75% of site visitors that had also seen at least one AdRoll touchpoint. This means AdRoll influenced visitors converted 1.66X more often after adding a product to their cart.
  • Identify fruitful segments of users to target.

    For example, 45% of site visitors that add at least one product to their cart are converting. That means that over half (55%) of users are leaving products in their carts. This is a great opportunity to kick off the Cart Abandonment recipe automation in order to remind those users of the products they left in their carts.

How to view

To access your Attribution Funnel, go to the Measure tab from the left navigation menu and click Tracked Conversions.


Metrics available

  • New Visitors: Visitors who came to the site for the first time.
  • All Site Visitors: Number of total visitors.
  • Return to Website: Customers who have visited the site 2+ times.
  • View a Product: Customers who went to a product page.
  • Add to Cart: Number of visitors who have added a product to their cart.
  • Convert or Purchase: Total number of visitors who purchased.

Additional metrics

  • Shows week over week (WoW) metric deltas.
  • Shows the percentage of consumers who moved from one stage to another (in the last few stages). The two stages with % change are:
    • View a Product ->  Add to Cart: How well your product pages work to get customers to add to their cart.
    • Add to Cart -> Convert/Purchase: How often “add to carts” end up in conversions.
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