Shopify Getting Started Guide

Our ecommerce software was designed to deliver results and grow brands with little effort on your part. By leveraging a robust combination of ecommerce marketing tools, AI technology, and one of the largest intent-based consumer databases available, AdRoll has generated over $7 billion in revenue for our customers.

With a few clicks, you can connect your Shopify store to a new or existing AdRoll account and get started without any developer or creative resources. Through our Shopify integration, AdRoll connects your first-party e-commerce data with all of our existing data which allows you to create better-personalized experiences for your customers, both unknown and known.

You also get access to our high-performing dynamic ads and product recommendation engine for no additional charge.

Please checkout: How to Install AdRoll for Shopify

Benefits of our Shopify Integration

  • Places the AdRoll pixel on all pages of your Shopify store.
  • Create Key Audiences: Viewed Product, Added Product to Cart, Viewed Cart, Checkout (Conversion).
  • Enable Enhanced Conversion Tracking.
  • Access to high-performing Dynamic Ads: Generates a Product Feed for you to run Dynamic Ads for no added cost.
  • Track the number of sales and amount of revenue driven by the AdRoll campaign using an automatically-created conversion segment that passes back exact conversion values.

Things you need to know 

Before you launch

After you launch

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