Google Tag Manager: Enhanced Conversion Tracking and Custom Parameters

Enhanced Conversion Tracking

Follow these steps to track the revenue on each purchase for reporting.

  1. Navigate to Google Tag Manager and click Tags.
  2. Click on the AdRoll tag.
  3. Click on the pencil Edit icon. In order to track revenue, populate the field Conversion Value  with a variable. Click the icon to the right of the input field to display the list of variables that have been defined within Google Tag Manager.
  4. Click on the variable that corresponds to revenue. The customer will have had to define this variable and added it to the variables section.
  5. The variable will now appear in the Conversion Value field.
  6. Save.
  7. To deploy any of the change made, click Submit.


Specify Your Variable

  1. Go to the Tags section of your GTM dashboard and select your AdRoll tag.

  2. Click the pencil icon in the top right corner of the Configure Tag section.

  3. Scroll down and in the Conversion Value field, enter your GTM revenue variable name.

  4. Choose from the five currencies we support using the currency dropdown.

  5. Save.

  6. To deploy the changes you've made, click the Submit button on the upper right-hand corner of your GTM interface.

 Note: product_id is required.

Add Custom Variables

Follow these steps to pass back custom variables, such as product_id and order_id.

  1. Go to the tag edit screen and scroll to Custom Data.
  2. Under Key, enter product_id (Required) and order_id (Optional).
  3. Under Value, select a variable that corresponds to that data by clicking into the icon on the right and selecting it from the variables available.
  4. For any additional data you want to track, click Add Custom Data and repeat the process.
  5. Save.
  6. To deploy any change made, click the Submit.
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