Rich Media Ads

Rich media ads include advanced features like animations or other elements that encourage viewers to interact and engage with content. They’re typically formatted with HTML5, which allows developers to add animations directly into the source code of a page. They are also often referred to as HTML5 ads.

These ads are like mini web pages and contain multiple files types that can combine HTML, Javascript, CSS, Web Fonts, shared javascript libraries, SVG, WebGL, and other standard assets, such as images. This eliminates the need for plugins like Flash.

Note: Flash is no longer supported by AdRoll or any of its partners.

The animation limit for HTML5 ads is 30 seconds. No looping.



Zip File Guidelines

Check.png Each HTML5 ad must be its own zip file that contains all code and assets (excluding the supported shared libraries listed below). It must contain all files referenced from the HTML document:

    • Root of the folder should be a single, well-structured, and complete HTML document
    • The ad must be loadable into an iFrame (when being served)
    • Supported Shared Libraries: Adobe Edge, CreateJS (Easeljs, Movieclip, TweenJS, SoundJS, and PreloadJS), JQuery, Angular JS, Tumult Hype, Swiffy, GSAP (TweenLite, CSSPlugin, and EasePack)

Check.png Links must reference file locations

Check.png Assets must be loaded securely using https

Ex.png Code references to external domains are not permitted (no cross-domain scripting)

Ex.png Local storage or session storage libraries are not permitted

Ex.png CDN calls are not allowed within the creative's HTML file due to security reasons

Technical Requirements

  • File Size: up to 150KB
  • Use the <!DOCTYPE html><html>, and <body> tags.

  • <meta> tags must be used to identify the size of an ad:

    • <meta name="ad.size" content= "width=300, height=250">
  • Declare a clickTag variable. ClickTag is a click-through URL: a shortcut to set the click-through URL in the platform.

    • <script type="text/javascript">
      // Change the value of this string to your URL
      var clickTag = "";
    • This must be passed as a parameter to any event in the ad code.

      <div id="clickArea" style="width: 300px; height: 250px" onclick=" ,'_blank');">

Create Rich Media Ads

We recommend working with a graphic designer that can satisfy the above requirements to create Rich Media ads. If you don't have a designer, please reach out to your Account Manager to learn what other options are available.

Note: You can find the supported rich media ad sizes here.

Upload Rich Media Ads

Note: This is a managed account feature. 

You can upload the rich media ads from the Ad Library tab on your dashboard or directly by Editing an Existing Campaign or while Creating a New Campaign

All the self-serve account holders may reach out to our Customer Support team for assistance if required. 

Custom Rich Media Ads

Our in-house creative team is available to build impactful, on-brand ads. Browse through some of our creative capabilities and designs here

Note: Spend requirements apply. Please reach out to your Account Manager for more details. 

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