AdRoll's Website and Landing Page Guidelines

AdRoll wishes to serve quality ads that are brand safe and adhere to our advertising policies. Similarly, the websites and landing pages that audiences are directed to must adhere to these same requirements. Below you will find examples of what to avoid:

How to Fix Disapproved Ads 

If you received an email with any of the following advertising policy violations, please follow the recommended solutions listed below.

Landing Page Violations

Inactive Website
Inaccessible Landing Page
Landing Page: Destination Experience
Landing Page: Insufficient Content
Landing page: Invalid Destination
Landing Page: Missing Contact Information
Landing Page: Offensive Language
Landing Page: Redirecting URLs Not Permitted
Landing Page: Unable to Translate
Landing Page Elements

Recommended Solutions
  1. Read the policies listed below to learn more about our website and landing page requirements.
  2. Make the appropriate updates based on the key information description listed in the policy violation email.
    • Reach out to the AdRoll Customer Support team once the updates to your landing page have been made to request a re-review. 
  3. Alternatively, you may be able to change your destination URL to drive your target audience to landing pages with compliant content.
    • Once you update your destination URL, your ads will automatically trigger into In Review.

In cases where you cannot make the required change to your website or landing page or if you need more information about the ad policy violation, please reach out to your account manager or the AdRoll Customer Support team for assistance.


Website Requirements

Ex.png Inactive Websites

Ex.png Websites that are incomplete, do not function properly or lead to inactive pages

Ex.png Websites that are incomprehensible or that do not offer any value or useful information to the user

Ex.png Lack of Brand Notification: Marketers must have clear and consistent branding on the website and on any associated ads and landing pages so that the targeted audience knows who is responsible for the advertisement

Ex.png Missing Contact Information: Websites that do not provide users with a method to get in contact with the business, such as contact information or a contact form

Ex.png Unable to Translate: Websites that cannot be easily translated are not permitted

Ex.png Websites that are difficult to navigate or that have broken navigation links

Ex.png Made-for-ads websites

Ex.png Websites that contain products or services to artificially inflate traffic or that are illegal, counterfeit, or enable any dishonest behavior

Ex.png Websites that interfere with a user’s ability to navigate the browser or access the expected content

Ex.png Websites that require a download of an application or similar product to view the landing page

Ex.png Websites with scraped content or content duplicated from another source without adding value

Landing Page Experience

Landing pages are the final destination that audiences land on when they click on your ad. They can be category pages, subpages, or even dedicated promotional pages that call attention to a particular product or service. AdRoll will approve landing pages that comply with the guidelines outlined below: 

Ex.png Lack of Brand Notification: Marketers must have clear and consistent branding on the website and any associated ads and landing pages so that the targeted audience knows who is responsible for the advertisement

Ex.png Brand Mismatch: The brand notification (logo or company name) shown on ads, landing pages, and website must match

Ex.png Redirecting URLs: The destination URL declared and the landing page URL must be the same in order to ensure a safe and positive experience for your target audience

Ex.png Unable to Translate: Landing pages that cannot be easily translated are not permitted

Ex.png Offensive Language: Profanity or any offensive language is not permitted

Ex.png Insufficient Content: Landing pages with insufficient content about the marketer’s main business that do not link back to the main website

Ex.png Destination Experience:   

Ex.png A “Coming Soon!” landing page: active links to pages that are under construction or blank may be grounds for disapproval

Ex.png Landing pages that are difficult to understand or do not make sense

Ex.png Landing pages that are difficult to navigate or that have broken navigation links

Ex.png Landing pages with more ads than content

Ex.png Inconsistent spelling or grammar that does not make sense

Ex.png Landing pages with low-quality images or where it is difficult to understand what the image is

Ex.png Pop-ups that disable a user from navigating a website

Ex.png Landing pages that interfere with a user's back button

Ex.png Landing pages that require a download of a product to view the content of the page

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