Track Conversions

Define what a conversion means to you: maybe it's completing a purchase, submitting a form, or downloading a piece of content. In order to know the worth of your investment in ads, you'll need to set up a conversion audience.

Know When a Visitor Converts

Place your AdRoll Pixel so that it fires on every page of your site. Your AdRoll Pixel is the key to tracking your site activity, including conversions.

We’ll know when someone converts based on how you define your conversion audience. There are several ways to define a conversion:

  • Fixed
  • URL
  • Event

Conversion Audience

To create a conversion audience, simply follow the directions for the respective audience type and check the box that reads This is a conversion audience


Fixed Audience

If you define your conversion as a Fixed audience, we count a conversion any time a visitor lands on the defined page(s).

This requires you to add code to every page that you want to associate with your fixed audience. Because you have to manually customize the HTML on each page, we recommend this option if you only have one page that represents a conversion.

Learn how to set up a Fixed audience.

URL-Based Audience

If you define your conversion as a URL, we count conversions based on visitors landing on your defined URL.

This works if there's a unique URL that visitors can only land on after completing a conversion. For example, an order confirmation page that appears after a purchase.

Learn how to set up a URL-Based audience.

Event-Based Audience

If you define your conversion as an action event, we count a conversion any time a visitor performs this action, such as clicking a certain button. We recommend this option if the button doesn't lead to a page that can only be accessed after completing your desired action.

Learn how to set up an Event-Based audience.

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