General Exclusions

Exclude By Domain

Specify websites where you don't want your ads to show. For example, you may want to exclude websites that don't fit your brand or aren't helping you sell your products or services.

Set Up Domain Exclusions

  1. Click the Settings gear icon in the left navigation menu.

  2. Scroll down and click By Domain under Exclusions.

  3. Enter the websites that you want to exclude with only one per line. 

    We use an implicit leading wildcard for all domains you enter. For example, if you enter, we’ll exclude all domains that match * See below for examples.

    You Enter

    We Exclude

    We Allow

    Any domains that don’t end in

  4. Click Save.

Exclude By IP Address

Excluding by IP Address allows you to exclude computers or networks associated with specific IP address(es) from being served your ads. You can also exclude the address of your company's network to prevent your colleagues from being shown your ads.

Note: IP address exclusion only applies to your Retargeting campaigns. Brand Awareness campaigns do not support IP address exclusion.

Set Up IP Address Exclusions

  1. Click the Settings gear icon in the left navigation menu.
  2. Click By IP Address under Exclusions.
  3. Enter the IP addresses that you want to exclude with only one per line. 
  4. Click Save.

Exclude by Mobile App

Excluding by App allows you to specify apps where you do not want your ads to show. For example, you may want to exclude apps where your brand does not fit or where you’re seeing the performance that does not meet your expectations.

Set Up Mobile App Exclusions

  1. Click the Settings gear icon on the left navigation menu.
  2. Click By App under Exclusions.
  3. Enter App IDs associated with the mobile apps that you do not wish to target.
4. Click Save.

Campaign Level Exclusions

Apps and Domains can be excluded from your Web Campaign as well. This can be found under the Advanced Options of your Web Campaign Settings. You also have the option of ignoring the app or domain settings set on your account if you wish to just run with campaign-level exclusions only.

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