Ads Reporting Dashboard Overview

Note: The data in the last 24-48 hours are not finalized in the dashboard. Please exclude the last two days within the date range.

Overview of All Campaigns

Your Ads tab includes a complete overview of your campaigns. View and sort all campaigns by status, channel, campaigns, funnel stage and targeting type. The date picker at the top adjusts reporting so you can see what happened over that date range. Top-line metrics along the top of the page summarize performance across all your campaigns.

Metric deltas

Metric deltas show the difference in the data on screen compared to the same date range prior to the range selected. This gives you visibility into how the data is trending over time. 

Example: if you have selected 30 days of data and have 110,000 impressions, the system will look at the 30 days immediately prior to the range you have selected. If the previous 30 days had 100,000 impressions, then the delta would show +10%. 

The deltas will show as green if the metric has improved and red if they have dropped.

Performance Graph and Campaign List tabs

There are two tabs: List and Graph.

List — shows a grid with relevant and customizable campaign level information and metrics. 

Graph — a double line graph that allows you to see data over time between two metrics. 


On the Graph tab, you'll see campaign specific graphs containing trend lines for two variables. These default to volume of Impressions and Spend or CTR. We default to these variables so you can see how active your campaigns have been over a period of time.

If there are other variables you want to see, you can select from the drop-down menu and the graph will update to show your performance. For example, select CPC or CPA to see performance rather than spend.

Exporting Visuals

You can quickly download the graphs and their corresponding data for all your live campaigns simply by clicking Export

Customize Metrics

To customize the metrics on your home page:

  1. Select the button to the right of the metrics on your graph.
  2. To Customize KPIs, drag-and-drop any combination of metrics in any order you want.
  3. Click Done. 

Filter Campaigns

Filter by:

  • Status: By campaign status (Running, Not Running, Scheduled, Off, Ended) 
  • Channel: Any combination of web, social, and email
  • Campaigns: Search by campaign name or select specific campaigns
  • Funnel Stage: Awareness, Consideration, Conversion
  • Targeting: Type of the campaign i.e. Retargeting, Lookalike, Demo & Interest, or Contextual. However, this only applies to Web campaigns.

Any filter you select will impact both your overview and the individual campaign breakdowns.

Edit and pause campaigns

These articles go in depth on editing campaigns and managing campaign statuses:

View metrics by conversion audience

In the Campaigns tab, you can select Customize Columns and choose the conversion audiences you want to see.

Terms and metrics

The following glossary outlines all terminology and metrics that you may encounter in your reporting.

25% Video Views

The number of users who viewed at least 25% of your video.

50% Video Views

The number of users who viewed at least 50% of your video.

75% Video Views

The number of users who viewed at least 75% of your video.

100% Video Views

The number of users who viewed 100% of your video.

Attributed Conversions

Number of conversions attributed to your AdRoll ads based on the selected Attribution model.

Attributed Revenue

Revenue generated from conversions attributed to your AdRoll ads based on the selected Attribution model.

Bounce Rate

The percentage of new visitors who visit only one page on your site and leave.


Where you set your campaign to run.

Click-Attributed Revenue

Total earnings when someone clicks your ad and converts.

Click CPA

Cost-per-click acquisition: Your average spend for a conversion that happens after someone clicks your ad.

Click ROAS

Click return on investment: Your earning per dollar spent, generated from conversions that happen after someone clicks your ad.


How many times an ad was clicked.


Goal completion that happens after someone clicks or views your ad.

Cost per Engaged Visitor

Your average spend per engaged visitor (new visitor who views at least three pages on your site).

Cost per New Visitor

Your average spend to bring a new visitor to your site.


Cost per acquisition: Your average spend per conversion.


Cost per click: Your average spend for one click.


 Cost-per-thousand impressions

Created Date

The date the campaign was originally created.

CTC Rate

Click-through conversion rate: The percentage of clicks that resulted in a conversion.

Click-Through Conversion (CTC)

A goal completion that happens after someone clicks your ad.


Click-through rate: The percentage of impressions that resulted in a click.

Daily Budget

Your set average spend per day. Daily spend may vary up to 20%, but your average daily spend each month will not exceed your set budget.

End Date

The date the campaign is set to end.

Engaged Visitors

New visitors who view at least three pages on your site.


When an ad is served. With emails: email opens.

Daily Frequency (Web Ads)

Average number of web ads users see in a day.

Influenced Conversions

A conversion touched or assisted by an ad but not attributed due to the current attribution model.

New Visitors

Visitors who come to your site for the first time within your set audience duration.


Total email opens.

Open Rate

The percent of sent emails that are opened.


Return on investment: Your earning per dollar spent on ads.


The running dates that you selected.


Total emails sent.


Amount spent on ads.

Start Date

The date the campaign served its first impression.

Total Conversions (Total Conv.)

The total number of conversions within a 30-day attribution window.


Brand Awareness or Retargeting. Brand Awareness campaigns find new people similar to existing high-intent visitors. Retargeting campaigns bring back visitors who left your site without converting.

View-Attributed Revenue

Total earnings when someone views your ad and converts.

View CPA

Cost-per-view acquisition: Your average spend for a conversion that happens after someone views your ad.


View return on investment: Your earning per dollar spent, generated from conversions that happen after someone views your ad.

View-through Conversion (VTC)

A goal completion that happens after someone views your ad, but doesn’t click.

Video Completion Rate

The number of users who viewed 100% of your video divided by total impressions served for that video.

VTC Rate

View-through conversion rate: The percentage of views that resulted in a conversion.

How We Calculate Metrics

Calculated Metric


Output Unit


Clicks / Impressions


Open Rate

Opens / Sends



Spend / Clicks



Spend / Impressions



View conversions + Click conversions



Spend / Conversions


CTC Rate

Click conversions / Clicks


Click CPA

Spend / Click conversions


VTC Rate

View conversions / Impressions


View CPA

Spend / View conversions



Total attributed revenue / Spend


Click ROAS

Total attributed click revenue / Spend



Total attributed view revenue / Spend


Daily Frequency (Web Ads)

Total web impressions/total unique users 


Open Rate

Open / Sent


Cost per New Visitor

Spend / New Visitors


Your Reports

AdRoll offers a variety of default reports in our Reports tab, ranging from ad placement to conversion performance. These powerful and flexible reports allow you to access the information you need instantly.

A couple default report types include:

  • Ad Placements: See where your ads are being shown.
  • Granular Conversions: A detailed list of all AdRoll conversions
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