You can start a new campaign from either the Home tab or Social & Display Ads tab.
From the Home tab: Click on the Performance tab then click Create Campaign under the Create tile from scratch.
From Social & Display tab: Go to the Campaigns tab in the left navigation menu and click Social & Display Ads > Create Campaign
- Select Demographic & Interest Targeting as your marketing goal and click Next.
- Select which channels you want to run your ads to run then click Next.
- Next, under Campaign Settings, you can choose your campaign schedule by clicking Edit. You can elect to start your campaign immediately upon approval or select a specific date. You can also select a specific date to end your campaign or have it run indefinitely. Click Done to move to the next step.
- Next, configure your Web channel.
- Click Edit to choose set up your bid strategy.
- Click Edit to configure your AdGroup.
- Select an AdGroup name or create a custom AdGroup schedule.
Choose your web audience: select your Demographic & Interest targeting options and locations.
- Select your ads. You can choose from your Ad Library, create or upload ads, or requests free ads from us!
- Select an AdGroup name or create a custom AdGroup schedule.
- Click Edit to choose set up your bid strategy.
- Next, configure your Facebook and Instagram channels.
- Click Edit to choose your Facebook settings.
Connect your Facebook page and/or your Instagram account.
- Set up your bidding settings.
Connect your Facebook page and/or your Instagram account.
- Click Edit to configure your AdGroup.
- Select an AdGroup name, select your bid strategy, or create a custom AdGroup schedule.
Choose your target audience or Create a new one, and define your target age range if you wish.
- Select your ads, ad types, and ad placement. You can choose from your Ad Library, create or upload ads, or requests free ads from us!
- Select an AdGroup name, select your bid strategy, or create a custom AdGroup schedule.
- Click Edit to choose your Facebook settings.
- Finally, click Edit to optimize your budget across channels.
- Once you're done setting your campaign, scroll up to the top of the page and click Submit. You can also click Finish Later to save your campaign as a draft.
- Congratulations! You have now created a demographic & interest campaign.