Every marketer’s dream is to develop a loyal customer base who purchase products repeatedly, enthusiastically and without much consideration of the competition. AdRoll helps you do just that by enabling you to create meaningful, personalized experiences for your customers with cross-channel campaigns including ads, email, product recommendations and the data you need to make the right decisions.
AI- Driven Campaigns
You know your loyal customers better than anyone. Pair that with AdRoll’s powerful AI and machine learning which understands the customer behavior of over 70% of online shoppers and you get results like these:
“In July 2019, we had 102 AdRoll-attributed conversions and $22,440 in total revenue. A year later, in July 2020, we had 181 conversions and $43,027 in total revenue. Our overall year-over-year numbers are a 191% increase in total revenues, a 177% increase in attributed conversions, and a 33% increase in site engagement. Our audience is converting higher in the funnel, and we are reaching customers at mid intent, before they move to high intent.” - Volcanica Coffee
AdRoll helps you create coordinated strategies between ads, email and product recommendations that help you identify and grow your most profitable customer relationships.
Personalized Shopping Experiences
Roll out the red carpet for your loyal customers by providing them a personalized experience in ads, email and on your website. With AdRoll’s personalized product recommendations, you can share the right message with the right customer at the right time based on their past shopping behavior, your current goals and more.
Advanced Measurement and Attribution
Get to know your customers better and see what’s working with AdRoll’s intuitive cross-channel attribution solution. You’ll be able to see all UTM tagged channels, how they interact and get quick insights to help you optimize your strategies.
AdRoll provides the coordinated strategies that help you turn more site visitors into customers while saving you time and money. Log into your dashboard or talk to your AdRoll representative to get started.
Don’t Just Take Our Word For It
Here are just a few of the customers who’ve had great results using AdRoll’s Ecommerce Marketing Platform.