Add product recommendations in your email campaigns

Alert: This feature is only available to our paid subscribers. You can check out your plan options here.

AdRoll's Email builder allows you to directly access your product recommendations and select items to include in your email. 

Start by Creating a New Email or a New Email Template.  You can also Edit an Existing Template.

To add product recommendations in your email:

  1. Click on Rows from the email builder.


  2. From the drop-down, select Product Recommendations to see all the different modules available.


    You can choose from the following modules:
    • Main product recommendation
    • List of 3 product recommendations
    • 2 product recommendations side by side

  3. Choose the product recommendation module you want to use and simply drag and drop it onto the template. You can add as many as you would like.


  4. Once the product recommendation module is on your template, you can customize the copy, font size, colors to match your brand.



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