How to use email personalization and emojis

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Email personalization allows you to insert contact attributes or emojis into your email templates to quickly give your campaigns a personalized touch.

How email personalization works

Your contacts contain fields that refer to your contacts such as first and last names, birthday, location, etc. Each field corresponds with a unique tag, which looks like a snippet of text wrapped in special characters: {{tag}}

For example, to pull your contact's first name in your email, you would select the Recipient First Name and it will add {{recipient.first_name}} in your subject line or body of your email where you want your contact's name to appear. When your email campaign is delivered, the recipient of the email will see their first name where the merge tag was placed.

How to use email personalization

Email personalization can be added to the subject line, preheader, or the email body.

To add personalization in the subject line or preheader:

  1. Click the personalization [P] icon. A drop-down menu with all the available personalization field will appear.
  2. Select the field name, such as Recipient First Name, to use for populating the information. When the contacts view or open the email, they will see information that is specific to them — in this case, they will see their first name in the subject line. 

  3. You can also add personalization within the email body by clicking Personalizations

    Always preview and test your emails before you send out your email campaign. To do this, simply click on the preview icon Screen_Shot_2020-08-04_at_10.34.32_AM.png from the email builder. You can also send a preview of the email to see what exactly the email will look like by clicking on Send Preview.Screen_Shot_2020-08-04_at_10.40.43_AM.png

How to use emojis

To insert emojis:

  1. Click the smiley face Screen_Shot_2021-03-25_at_11.27.34_AM.png icon and select the emoji you want to use.
  2. When you're finished, click Save.


List of all available email personalization fields

To see a list of email personalization fields available for you to use, check out All available email personalization fields.

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