Below are some recommended ad sizes for the most common type of ads used when getting started with AdRoll.
Static Web Banners
Recommended sizes:
300x250 |
160x600 | |
300x600 | |
970x250 | |
728x90 | |
320x50 |
File Type: | JPG, PNG, and GIF (up to 30 seconds, 15-20 fps, no looping) |
File Size: | 150 KB |
Static Social (Facebook & Instagram)
Recommended sizes:
600x315 (1200x628 1.91:1 aspect ratio) | |
600x600 (1200x1200 1:1 aspect ratio) | |
File Type: | JPG, PNG, and GIF |
File Size: | 30MB |
Title: | Up to 25 characters (recommended) |
Description: | Up to 125 characters recommended, including spaces |
Calls To Action: | Defaults to “Learn More” |
Static Native Ads
Recommended sizes:
600x315 |
600x600 | |
600x500 |
File Type: | JPG, PNG, and GIF |
File Size: | Up to 1MB |
Title: | Up to 60 characters |
Description: | Up to 1024 characters |
Brand Name: | Up to 1024 characters |