How should I tell my brand's story?

The power of an About Us page

Key Takeaway: Make your brand's mission known to your customers by showcasing your About Us page

 Why should an online shopper buy from you? An About Us page is often overlooked, but it is a perfect place to showcase your purpose as a company. Some of the objectives you want to cover:

  • The story of your brand
  • What problem are you solving with this mission
  • How your products are made 
  • Introduce yourself to your customers

How can you spice up your About Us page?

  • Leverage creative elements: Detailed graphics and videos will help you set the scene and reduce the number of words on the page.
  • Set the market need:  What problem did you notice in the market? Why does it affect your customers?
  • Your story: Why was your brand born? Outline what problems you have faced along the way and why you have a niche. 
  • Layout your mission: What is the purpose of your business? What have you accomplished so far? 
  • Layout your vision: What is your ideal end state with your brand?




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