Common messaging mistakes in ecommerce to avoid

Your grammar in your store is a reflection of your brand and having perfect grammar will make you look like a professional business. These errors happen more often than you would think. It will distract your customers from focusing on why they came to your store, to shop. 

Mistake #1: Detailed feature product description don’t sell

  • Feature descriptions may seem dull to your customers. 
  • Customers want to know what is in it for them. If you list out features talk about how it will benefit them. 
    • What problem is your product solving? 

When you are creating product descriptions, outline both features and benefits for every product. 

Mistake #2: Fluffy words take away from your message

  • Fluff words are words that are used so often that they lose meaning. They are mainly placeholders.
    • Bad Example: World-class socks from a top manufacturer in the USA. 
    • Good Example: AdRoll helps brands generate $246 billion in sales every year.

Set a clear goal of what you want to achieve, ask yourself what does this message accomplish, add numbers and revise until it is concise. Remember you are writing for an audience that doesn’t want to read.

Mistake #3: Your writing does not reflect your brand

  • The majority of ecommerce sites copy is dull and does not engage with your customers.
    • They almost sound corporate.
  • A brand tone will create your loyal customers as they want to come back for your brand’s personality.

Research your audience, define your core values and craft your brand’s tone. After doing a complete audit of all your content, implement your brand tone.

Mistake #4: Your message is not concise 

  • Adjectives are powerful if they are used sparingly to highlight a noun in your copy.
    • Example: These fluffy socks are perfect for any winter day.
  • Adjectives that are overused detract from your message. 
    • Example: These fluffy, warm socks are perfect for any cold, snowy winter day. 
    • Your reader will have to take more time to understand your message that the socks are perfect for winter.

Use the 1:1 rule. Use only an adjective for a noun. Be sure your choice in adjectives are creative that it will make your reader feel an emotional connection with your message. 

Mistake #5: You did not revise your copy multiple times

Revise, Revise, and Revise again!

  • Find a friend and read your copy to sell them on your product. What do they think?
  • Writing is a never-ending game of always improving. You can always do more. 

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Have I addressed all of my customer's questions that want to buy my product? 
  • Use the 1:1 rule for features and benefits. Why will a customer benefit from this feature?
  • Is your copy focused on your customer or yourself? Reduce the number of “I” and include more “you” content.
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