Choose a Campaign Plan
We recommend serving ads across both social and general web so that you can always be top-of-mind, no matter where your audience is. Based on your site traffic, we’ll recommend a plan for you that you can modify if needed. Select or unselect channels based on your preferences and integrations. If you haven’t connected Google Analytics, you’ll see our general recommendations for success.
Set Your Budget
You'll need to set an average daily budget for your campaign. Your budget is the average amount you want to spend on ad impressions each day. Your spend is how much of your budget we actually spend. We require a minimum daily budget of $10.
When you set your average, we’ll aim to spend as close to your set budget as possible. Some days may have better opportunities than others. On those days, we may spend up to 20% over your daily budget, but will never exceed your weekly budget. The following factors influence spend:
- Your target audience size
- Variety of ad sizes
- Bid amount for ad space
Check out our budget tips and recommendations.
Set Your Campaign Schedule
We recommend that your campaigns run continuously, with No End Date. This allows for you to serve ads 24/7. We require each campaign to run for a minimum of 5 days.
To set specific times to run ads throughout the day, learn more about dayparting.
Define Success
We automatically optimize for maximum conversions at the lowest cost. You can either leave these default settings, or you can define your specific metric of success. Your campaign goal could be to maximize total conversions, clicks, or impressions. Alternatively, you can set a target cost-per-acquisition (CPA), cost-per-click (CPC), or cost-per-1,000-impressions (CPM).
For more information, check out these articles:
Connect Facebook and Instagram Accounts
To give you access to audiences on social channels, you’ll need to connect your business’ Facebook and Instagram accounts:
Choose Ads
You can create new ads, upload ads, and request a free set of ads from us. Learn more about different ad types and options:
Generally, ads will be reviewed by our policy team within 24-48 hours. In certain cases, ads may take longer to be approved if a more comprehensive review is required.
Billing and Payment Methods
You’ll be charged weekly for ad spend over the previous week. We will not go outside your weekly budget, but your daily spend will vary. When you launch, unpause, or increase a campaign budget, we will perform a payment method authorization. This is to ensure that your payment method is valid and has sufficient funds for the weekly spend.
To learn more about this, check out Payment Method Authorization.
Activate Your Site
- To deliver ads in Europe, you'll need to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations. This means showing an approved consent banner to all site visitors in the EU if your company is based outside of the EU, and to all site visitors if your company is based in the EU. Learn more about cookie consent tools.
- Make sure your AdRoll pixel is active with PixelPal.
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installation, branding, customization