Note: This campaign experience isn't currently available to all customers. Learn more about launching a campaign as an existing customer.
Launch your campaign
Sign up or sign in to AdRoll. If this is your first time with us, we will take you on a guided walkthrough of what we need in order to launch a campaign.
Let us know your level of online advertising expertise.
Choose your campaign goal.
Tell us what success looks like. Whether it is a landing page or a button clicked, we want to make sure we're able to help you measure results.
You can use a URL pattern to create your conversion audience. For example, you can enter /thanks to match any URL that ends with the string /thanks.
If you have an order id, you can use wildcards (*) to match anything before or after a string. For example if you enter /thanks* it will match
Wildcards are very flexible and can make setup easy. If you know your conversion URL is the only URL with the word “confirmation” in it, you can safely put *confirmation* as the rule and it will capture conversions properly.
Review your personalized plan.
Tell us how much you want to spend. If you connected your Google Analytics, we'll recommend a budget based on your traffic.
Tell us where you want to run. You can select or deselect channels based on your preferences and integrations. We recommend keeping both Facebook and Web in your plan.
Tell us when you want to run your ads. You can make it ongoing or within a limited timeframe.
Tell us what goal to optimize for. You can input a specific metric target or let our AI choose the best strategy for you.
Connect your Facebook business page and your Instagram account so we can serve ads on social.
Upload your ads or request them from our team.
We recommend at least one of each these web ad sizes: 160x600, 300x250, 300x600, 320x50, 728x90, 970x250, 600x500, 600x315 and Facebook ad sizes: 600x315, 600x600 (Instagram).
Configure Email.
First, make sure the country you’re serving ads to is in the drop-down list.
(Optional) Edit the subject lines and body of email. These emails are low-volume, high-impact emails that are sent to your site visitors on a triggered basis. They’re complementary to newsletter campaigns you may be running elsewhere.
Input your billing information. You'll be automatically billed each week for impressions served. When you launch, unpause, or increase a campaign budget, we will perform a payment method authorization. This is to ensure that your payment method is valid and has sufficient funds for the weekly spend. Learn more about Billing.
Launch your campaign!
Reminder: Don't forget to place your unique pixel on your website.
After you launch
Your initial campaign will consist of one AdGroup that has ads within it depending on the ads you’ve uploaded when getting started. The start and end dates you selected will be applied towards your single AdGroup. The AdGroup will target your general audience and can be later modified as you see fit.
After launching your campaign, you should expect your campaign to go through our internal review process. Thereafter we recommend giving your campaigns 2-4 weeks to reach their optimal performance before making any changes. You should expect to see individual budget levels of each AdGroup to change from day-to-day.
Learn more about editing an existing campaign or creating a new campaign.