AdRoll’s Brand Manager

What is the Brand Manager?

The AdRoll Brand Manager is a single, easy-to-access location that enables you to manage your brand styles, assets, and commonly used links. These elements are then automatically applied to our Create Web Ads builder by default along with multiple, pre-built Branded templates available in your Email Template Library.

Access the Brand Manager

To access the Brand Manager:

  1. Navigate to the Brand Manager tab in your AdRoll Dashboard, under Asset Management
  2. You’ll be redirected to the Brand Manager landing page where you can begin to update your brand colors, fonts, assets, and links.

Manage and Edit Your Brand

Once in the Brand Manager, you’ll see a range of elements that can be updated to reflect your unique brand guidelines.

You can edit the following brand elements:

Section Description
Logo Upload your company logo and it will display within the Create Web Ads and Branded Email Templates. We recommend using an image with a transparent background.
Colors Primary and Secondary colors will be applied to multiple elements within your creative assets such as the background, buttons, links, and text. 
Button The Border Radius of your button will be applied to all the CTA buttons in your creative assets. This controls whether your buttons have a more square or rounded shape.
Font Select a font for all your ads & emails.
Social Media   Profiles Add links to your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter profile pages.  You can also control the style of social media icons that will display across your creative assets.
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