Your "Visitors to Unsegmented Pages" Audience

When you create an AdRoll account, we set you up with your first audience: Visitors to Unsegmented Pages (*). Without any other defined audiences, this URL-based audience is set up to be a catch-all.

The rule (URL pattern) that your "Visitors to Unsegmented Pages" list follows is * (an asterisk). On our platform, * is used as a wildcard symbol that stands for any number of letters or characters (-, _, /, ?, #, etc.) in your URL. Meaning it covers every URL on your website.

Learn more about how wildcards like * work in practice.

Defining More Audiences

If you define new audiences, your "Visitors to Unsegmented Pages" audience will continue to grow, but will no longer include any activity on pages captured by your other defined audiences. Any traffic to the pages that you define separately will be routed directly into that audience instead of "Visitors to Unsegmented Pages."

It's important to avoid splitting your audience up into too many small segments because it can affect performance. The larger the audience, the more we can optimize who, where, and when we target your visitors based on user intent signals.

If you're new to AdRoll, are unsure of how much traffic your website gets, or don't have a campaign strategy yet—hold off. Let your "Visitors to Unsegmented Pages" audience populate for 30 days. Capturing all activity on your website, the audience will grow quickly.

Learn more about defining your audience.

Create a Conversion Audience

You need to create a conversion audience to measure how successful your ad campaigns are. Create conversion audiences the same way you create any audience, but make sure you check the This is a conversion audience box.

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