There are a number of free browser apps that can help with color adjustments. We've outlined options for the three most popular browsers: Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. AdRoll is not affiliated with any of these apps.
Chrome: Color Enhancer
Click "Color Enhancer" or copy and paste the link above. This is a link that takes you directly to the app in the Chrome Store. Make sure the link opened in your Chrome browser.
Select Add to Chrome.
In the dialog that appears, select Add Extension.
Color Enhancer can be adjusted through the icon that appears in the top right corner of your browser.
Firefox: ColorZilla
Select ColorZilla or copy and paste the link above. This is a link that takes you directly to the app download page. Make sure you open the URL in your Firefox browser.
Click Add to Firefox.
In the dialog that appears, confirm that you want to Install Now.
Once the installation is complete, you should see a confirmation message.
To adjust your browser's color settings, navigate to Tools > Web Developer > Responsive Design View.
Safari (Mac): Built-in
If you use Safari on your Mac, you have built-in accessibility tools to help you adjust color contrast.
Open System Preferences.
Click Accessibility.
Under Vision, you have a number of Display options to choose from. Selecting any of these options will adjust your screen so it is easier to view anything you have pulled up.